Monday, September 1, 2008


Oh, do you remember the good 'ol days when we were dating? Things were so fun and exciting. Everything seemed so fresh and new. Once upon a time, he opened the car door for you and brought flowers. Perhaps she complemented you and actually watched football all day long sitting right by your side. During those dating days, we were all about impressing each other. THEN, after the marriage, something like this may have taken place.....

Em vez de observar futebol todo o dia longo, ela pode querer que limpasse a casa. Em vez de trazer você floresce, acaba de querer você sentar-se e observar futebol todo o dia longo. Tentamos de amar, mas às vezes nós amamos na linguagem errada.

Sometimes it seems we are speaking a foreign language to each other. Learning a foreign language takes time and effort and as a couple we want to commit to learn our mates language.

As a quick review, the Five Love Languages are:

1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical

If you are not sure of your primary love language, take the 30 second test

Let's remember, When someone speaks my primary love language, I am drawn to that person because he or she is meeting my basic need to feel loved. When a person does not speak my primary language, I will wonder if he or she really loves me, because emotionally I am not understanding that person.

Receiving Love in my language provides the emotional security of knowing that I am Number One in his or her mind. You say, "I am married to you and choose to look out for your interests. "

This week we encourage each of you to concentrate on Words of Affirmation. The question to ask, "What are you "saying" to you spouse?"

The tongue has the power of life of death in a relationship. (Proverbs 18:21) "See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire." (James 3:5-12) If your spouse needs encouraging words to feel loved....Critical words are even more destructive.

When using words of affirmation
1. Use KIND words and tone of voice, even when expressing hurt.
2. Be SINCERE with your words
4. Praise your spouse in front of others.


Sunday: Agree with your spouse that you will do your best to suspend criticism and complainants this week. Ask God to sensitize you to your critical words.

Monday: Give a word of Affirmation 5 times this week. Sunday morning we passed out snack bags of plain M&Ms. Mixed in with the other colors are 10 "green" ones. Do what you want with the other colors, but save the green ones for your spouse. Each time you receive a Word of Affirmation form your spouse this week, give him/her two green M&Ms.. The goal is not to have any green M&Ms at the end of the week.

Tuesday: Read to each other some of Jesus' encouraging words to us. Husbands read John 5:24, 6:35, 6:40 & 10:27-30. Wives read Revelation 22:12-13 & 17.

Wednesday: Turn the music on and dance.

Thursday: Set the timer for a 15 minute House Rescue, (put things where they belong) then read what you wrote on the 3x5 card on Sunday. (what do I admire about you) GET READY FOR GAMECOCK FOOTBALL!

Friday: Answer the following questions: 1. When was the last time the two of you together found something really funny that you literally could not stop laughing? 2. As a couple, if you could do anything you wanted as a team and were guaranteed not to fail, what would it be?

Saturday: Surprise your spouse by doing something they would not expect you to do today.

Sunday: Come to church


If you can give an example of how your spouse gave you WORDS OF AFFIRMATION, please share them in the comment below section. Let us spur each other on to LOVE and good works. (Hebrews 10:24.)