Saturday, October 4, 2008

Caring for Columbia Work Project

October 4 , 2008 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Work assignments: Lawn maintenance projects, Exterior painting

Meadowfield Elementary School Project

Our church, Shandon Baptist, is reaching out to the Columbia Community. Today, Shandon sponcored a work day at Meadowfield Elementary School. Shandon encouraged it's members to help this school with a few maintenance projects. We were amazed at how many members came out to help with the work day project. It was a fun time working along side all ages to beautify this school.

Lindsey busy painting.

Brent working on repairing the walkway.


Jamie and another hard worker.

Cynthia and Amy picking up sticks and limbs.

Alex loading trash on the truck.

Alex, Jamie, and ? (I don't know his name) hauling off the trash.

Oh...and Stephanie and Kynn worked hard too. :)